In the last month over 6 million people have taken part in marches and strikes to demand better action on tackling changes in the climate. (Cover picture) Although pressure to install the Empathy Clinic for the Big Anxiety Festival was mounting we were proud to down tools and support humanity and the planet. This is #notbuisnessasusual 

It meant making up for the lost time by working an extra Sunday but the Empathy Clinic opened a week later to an energised and engaged packed house.  It is now open until the 9th of November.

In other news, since July, several new projects are underway as well as the many that continue to tour and engage audiences across the world.

I was thrilled to be able to visit Wonderland in Singapore and equally thrilled that, also in Singapore, this month Cerita Anak (with Polyglot Theatre and Papermoon) is opening at The Esplanade.  

That Singapore visit followed 10 days creative development in Jogjakarta for a new collaboration THE PLANET: A LAMENT with filmmaker Garin Nugroho and AsisTOPA.  Great to be back in that city after developing and presenting CERITA ANAK and developing THE GHOST PROJECT in the region.  

We are also well underway with design of Bell Shakespeare's HAMLET to open in Feburary at Sydney Opera House. 

Now showing: 

FULLY COMMITTED directed by Kate Champion at Ensemble Theatre.
BABY DOLL directed by Shaun Rennie at Ensemble Theatre.

CERITA ANAK at The Esplanade Singapore

Just closed:-

The AUSTRALIAN EXHIBIT at The Prague Quadrennial of Performance Space and Design.   Visit  PQAU.COM.AU for more information. 

WONDERLAND at the ArtScience Museum in Singapore.

THE MISER with Bell Shakespeare.

CERITA ANAK in Bejing and Hangzhou, China.

Coming soon:-

CERITA ANAK at The Lincoln Centre in New York.

WONDERLAND , touring.


Cover image:- A moment that will go down in history where 80,000 people in Sydney are amongst the first of millions around the world to take part in the Climate Strike for more effective combatting of man made climate change.  
Image below:-  Work in progress.  Scenic art for Fully Committed/Baby Doll , the image is based on a photo taken at PQ while curating PQAU.