An ever-growing collection of thousands of audio recording of statements of belief.  
Verbal donations made by hundreds of individuals from all ages and walks of life.  

Organised into a detailed web of beliefs, the work is a container for  the stories we tell ourselves to help define our individual and collective reality.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Suspended on a shimmering tangle of copper wire, the sonically precise speaker housings hang like inverted ear trumpets inviting the visitor to eaves drop. ​​​​​​​

Each of the thousands of beliefs is curated into a thematic flock and programmed to both whisper from the speakers and flow above and around the listener. 
Utilising a purpose-built, multi-channel speaker system controlled by dozens of micro-computers, the flocks of beliefs weave through the space building patterns, rhythms and intersections as they go.  

The direction, speed and movement of the beliefs is controlled by live weather data fed directly into the system from a weather station installed on the roof of the venue.

Accompanying this aurally and visually immersive space is a book where the flocks of beliefs are transcribed allowing the visitor to connect in alternate way.

Belief System is a scalable work suited to site specific interiors as well as black and white boxes.  For presentation existing content is replaced or augmented with local content (including multilingual content} and visitors to the installation can also share their Beliefs to become part of the system.

BELEIF SYSTEM is touring from 2024.  
Please enquire through:-  ranters
Created by Anna Tregloan & Adriano Cortese
Bob Jarvis, Composition/Programming  
Govin Ruben, Production Manager/Lighting
Oliver Bown, Sam Ferguson, Ella Mannor and Kurt Mikolajczyk, Control System design and development (UNSW Interactive Media Lab and UTS Creativity and Cognition Studios).

Nic Clark, Producer.
Elliot Hughes, Trumpet.
Transcription assistance, Meg Anderson.

Photographs:- Anna Tregloan, Damien Raggat and Steve East. 

Belief System was first presented in the main hall the Substation , Melbourne (a converted power substation) in May 2023. 
also presented at:-
Chapterhouse Arts, Cardiff Wales, 2024. 
Casula Powerhouse, 68th Blake Prize  (finalist) Sydney, 2024.

Produced by Ranters Theatre

The project has been supported the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body;  by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria and by the Powerhouse Museum through its NSW Creative Industries Residency Program.

Various other projects vv