Made while resident artist at Malthouse Theatre THE ODYSSEY was one of numerous collaborations with director Michael Kantor (other works include Babes in the woods, Sleeping Beauty, Vamp, The Boy Castaways, Optimism.
Bold, ambitious and flamboyant it comprised of a massive rusted steel revolve which at times filled with water to create the whirlpools of the underworld and was surrounded by a climbable steel mesh amphitheatre.
Produced and Presented by Malthouse Theatre & Black Swan
for Melbourne International Festival of the Arts and Perth Festival.
Set design by Anna Tregloan.
GRAA Award Best Design (Theatre),
Helpmann Award Best Design.
Michael Kantor, Direction.
Tom Wright, writer.
Zoe Atchinson, costume.
Paul Jackson, lights.
David Franzke & Iain Grandage, sound and music.
Photography: Jeff Busby (2005 - 2006)